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Despite its recent facelift – scarlet floral flock wallpaper, crystal chandeliers, steer skulls – the Deep South-themed Lexington still resembles a seedy saloon in Lexington, Kentucky. At its long bar, choose from nigh-on 100 American ryes and small-batch bourbons. Whiskey-based cocktails such as Boulevardier and Red Rye (a Manhattan made with Fernet Branca) are decent sips at £7, but we’d also like to see Juleps in all their juicy variations. Otherwise, order wine from £19, Goose Island and Anchor Steam among the quality American beers and artisanal ciders, and draught London craft ales from the likes of Hammerton and Sambrook’s. New on a menu that includes various burgers, meze and tacos, is a range of pies, served with mash for £10.50. You can hear yourself speak in the main bar; thumping bass and screaming guitars are restricted to the upstairs club room, where live acts of the Iggy Pop-ilk take the stage.

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